Welcome to loUXdesign
…and to my portfolio.
Let me break down the TLDR real quick:
Used to be a professional performer and have made the transition to work in UX Design and UX Writing, plus I do Photography as a passion on the side.
Currently flexing my UX writing skills with XING (New Work SE) but always on the lookout for interesting projects to do on the side.
Good with criticism (15 years of professional dance will do that) and absolutely adore collabs with multi-disciplinary teams because you learn tonnes from different disciplines.
Give me a challenge and I’m a happy camper.
Ask me stuff and I’ll answer honestly.
Treat me good, I’ll work my arse off for you.
Kann auch relativ gut Deutsch sprechen (habe meinen C1 Kurs absolviert mit Bestnote im April 2021 abgescholssen).
I’m a big believer in letting the work you do speak for itself, so enjoy perusing it!